Friday, March 2, 2012

Clarisonic Mia 2 Update (1 month)

Update: March

    After about a month and a half of trying the clarisonic mia 2 I've noticed what everyone has mentioned which is the 'break in' period. I've always been worried that I might break out so I used it sparingly about 2-3 times a week, but I began using it everyday and I found 3 cystic pimple on my face that left dark scars. So I used many different ways to lighten them like using whitening masks or making my own and washing my face using the clarisonic mia 2 everyday after I finished purging. About 5 days later my scar lightened from a red-brown to a light brown because the layers of skin have been exfoliated off thanks to my clarisonic mia 2. 

How does it feel?
   Although the brush is for sensitive skin I still feel like its abrasive when I use it on my skin, but that's just me over reacting because its not abrasive at all. Because the Mia 2 has a 1 minute time setting I just follow the beeper and go over my forehead, nose/chin, and cheeks for 2 seconds each and no more than that because you do not want to over exfoliate and possible hit your dermis (the inner most layer of the skin) and cause damage. After cleansing my face with it, it leaves my skin very refreshed and smooth. The Mia 2 definitely makes a difference in my routine at night instead of using my fingers to wash my face which I feel is not enough to penetrate my pores and wash all the icky oily stuff I've accumulated throughout the day.

- gentle cleansing+ exfoliation
- water proof
- travel friendly
- fits in hand perfectly

- have to air dry brush head or it will build up bacteria
- cannnot use when its charging >.<
-new brush head every 3months. ($20 for twin pack or $15 for one)

I'm satisfied with my purchase and if I ever want to change my mind I still have a month left to return it. But I still feel heart broken that I spent $160 on it and the fact that I have to buy brush heads as well >.< I believe that everyone should have a proper tool to wash their face with instead of just using your hands whether its a clarisonic or a scrublet. If you have the money to spend GO FOR IT!!! if not then you should try getting one of those silicone scrublets (the ones with the loreal cleansers) at sephora or any asian beauty store.

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